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The BioStage single-stage cascade impactor operates on the principle of inertial impaction and meets NIOSH requirements and ACGIH recommendations for sampling indoor and outdoor air for viable microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. Made of precision-tooled aluminum, the sampler components are held together securely by the SureLock positive seal. Using a high flow pump such as the BioLite, air is drawn through the impactor where particles are impacted onto an agar collection medium.

  • Easy to use
  • Made of corrosion resistant aluminium and autoclavable
  • Collected organisms remain intact and viable
  • SureLock positive seal ensures sample integrity
  • Easy setup and calibration
  • Proven principle of operation
    • Meets ACGIH recommendations for bioaerosol sampling
    • Meets NIOSH Methods 0800 and 0801
    • Performance equivalent to Andersen N-6 and Aerotech A6
  • Specifications

    Flow Rate    28.3 L/min
    Material    Inlet cone and base plate: Precision-tooled autoclavable aluminum
    O-rings: Duro 50, BUNA-N (not autoclavable )
    Jet Classification Stage    400 holes (0.25 mm hole diameter)
    Median Cut-Point (D50)    0.6 μm
    Sample Media    90 to 100 mm agar plates * 
    Suggested Media    For bacteria:
    Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
    Blood Agar Plates (BAP)

    For fungi (viable):
    Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA)
    Malt Extract Agar (MEA)
    Dichloran Glycerol 18 Agar (DG-18)
    Corn Meal Agar (CMA)
    Analysis    Colony culture   
    Tubing    1/4 inch ID

    * Requires microbiological media supplied by analytical laboratories
    In situations where spore counts are high, positive hole correction should be used

  • Applications

    • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) studies
    • Filter and cleanroom efficiency studies
    • Pharmaceutical production
    • Brewery fermentation
    • Animal care laboratories
    • Food processing areas
    • Sewage treatment plants
    • Hospital environments
    • Cosmetic manufacturing
    • Grain processing and transportation
    • Bio-risk response
  • BioStage and Accessories

    Description Part Number  
    Standard BioStage single-stage cascade impactor 225-9611  225-9611 Standard BioStage single-stage cascade impactor 
    Calibration Adaptor for BioStage, attaches to the BioStage inlet P33100  P33100 Calibration Adaptor for BioStage, attaches to the BioStage inlet 
    Tubing Adaptor for BioLite+ Pump to BioStage, includes 1 m of 1/4 inch ID x 3/8 inch OD Tygon tubing, attached to 10 cm of 3/8 inch ID x 5/8 inch OD silicone tubing. 225-6202  225-6202 Tubing Adaptor for BioLite+ Pump to BioStage 
    Tripod Stand, 1.5m telescoping, for area sampling at breathing zone height 228-506  228-506 Tripod Stand, 1.5m telescoping, for area sampling at breathing zone height 
    Standard BioStage single-stage cascade impactor


    Calibration Adaptor for BioStage, attaches to the BioStage inlet


    Tubing Adaptor for BioLite+ Pump to BioStage


    Tripod Stand, 1.5m telescoping, for area sampling at breathing zone height


  • Documentation

    BioStage Single-stage Viable Impactor Instructions


Read more …BioStage


While there is no standardised method for bioaerosol collection at this time, many organisations, including SKC, are researching improved measurement techniques. The patented BioSampler® is a result of SKC's work with leading scientists at the University of Cincinnati.

  • Allows use of non-evaporating collection liquids
  • Patented swirling liquid collection method minimises re-aerosolisation and particle bounce
  • Preserves micro-organism integrity and viability
  • Reusable — can be autoclaved
  • Maintains constant sampling efficiency up to 8 hours
  • Collected bioaerosols can be analysed by a variety of methods
  • Complete glass construction allows easy cleaning, sterilising, autoclaving and reuse
  • Collection liquid easily transferred to agar plate for culturing

† U.S Patent No. 5,902,385 (device)
‡ U.S Patent No. 5,904,752 (method)

BioSampler Operation

The BioSampler® must be operated with a high volume sonic flow pump, such as the BioLite/BioLite+ Pump, that can maintain 15 inches mercury or 0.5 of an atmosphere of downstream pressure in the system. The BioSampler’s three tangential nozzles act as critical (sonic) orifices, each permitting 4.2 L/min of ambient air to pass through for a total flow rate of approximately 12.5 L/min. Collection liquid with a viscosity much higher than water, such as ViaTrap (special mineral oil), can be used with the BioSampler to provide constant collection efficiency over an 8 hour sampling period.

  • Applications

    • Indoor air quality investigations
    • Infection control in hospitals and veterinary clinics
    • Quantification of microorganisms in agricultural dust
    • Biological research
    • Infectious disease investigations in public buildings
    • Safety concerns in the food handling industry
    • Workplace exposures in industries such as pulp and paper mills or wastewater treatment plants
  • Specifications

    Sample Time    Up to 8 hours
    Sample Rate    Sonic flow through BioSampler nozzles (12.5 L/min)
    Sample Pump    BioLite/BioLite+ Pump
    Sample Media    Water or more viscous liquids such as ViaTrap mineral oil
    Tubing    1/4 inch ID and 3/8 inch ID
  • Analysis Options

    BioSampler samples provide many analysis options:

    • Growth Culture Analysis quantifies and characterises airborne cultural bacteria and fungi
    • Microscopic Analysis enumerates and provides limited identification of total airborne bacteria and fungi
    • Biochemical Assay quantifies biological compounds based on reaction to a chemical
    • Immunoassay quantifies airborne allergens based on antibodies binding to a specific target antigen
    • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) identifies bioaerosols by screening for a specific genus or species
  • BioSamplers

    Description Part Number
    20 ml BioSampler (Single), 3-piece glass, includes:

    inlet section, outlet section, and collection vessel (does not include ground joint cap). Inlet and outlet sections are a matched set

    20 ml BioSampler (Set of 4), 3-piece glass, includes:

    inlet section, outlet section, and collection vessel (does not include ground joint cap). Inlet and outlet sections are a matched set

    5 ml BioSampler, 3-piece glass, includes:

    inlet section, outlet section, and collection vessel (does not include ground joint cap). Inlet and outlet sections are a matched set

  • BioSampler Kits

    Description Part Number
    BioSampler Mini Kit includes:

    BioSampler, two 20 ml collection vessels (bottoms) with caps, 1 BioSampler case with mounting rod, and 1 ViaTrap (120 ml).

    Viatrap mineral oil may not be suitable for PCR analysis

    BioLite+ BioSampler Kit 230V includes:

    BioLite+ 230V pump, 1 BioSampler with collection vessel, one additional 20 ml collection vessel with cap, 1 mounting bracket, tubing/adapters and rotameter

    BioLite+ BioSampler Deluxe Kit 230V includes:

    BioLite+ 230V pump, 1 BioSampler, two 20 ml collection vessels with caps, 1 case with mounting rod, 1 ViaTrap* (120 ml), tubing/adapters and rotameter

    BioLite+ BioSampler Kit 120V includes:

    BioLite+ 120V pump, 1 BioSampler with collection vessel, one additional 20 ml collection vessel with cap, 1 mounting bracket, tubing/adapters and rotameter

    BioLite+ BioSampler Deluxe Kit 120V includes:

    BioLite+ 120V pump, 1 BioSampler, two 20 ml collection vessels with caps, 1 case with mounting rod, 1 ViaTrap* (120 ml), tubing/adapters and rotameter


    * May not be suitable for PCR analysis

  • BioSampler Accessories

    Description Part Number  
    20 ml BioSampler Collection Vessel (bottom) and ground joint cap, for transporting samples 225-9596  225-9596 20 ml BioSampler Collection Vessel (bottom) and ground joint cap, for transporting samples 
    5 ml BioSampler Collection Vessel (bottom) and ground joint cap, for transporting samples 225-9596A  225-9596A 5 ml BioSampler Collection Vessel (bottom) and ground joint cap, for transporting samples 
    120 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling.

    Viatrap mineral oil may not be suitable for PCR analysis

    225-9598A  225-9598A 120 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling. 
    500 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling.

    Viatrap mineral oil may not be suitable for PCR analysis

    225-9598  225-9598 500 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling. 
    950 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling.

    Viatrap mineral oil may not be suitable for PCR analysis

    225-9599  225-9599 950 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling. 
    BioSampler Case with Mounting Rod, includes foam insert. Case serves as a base and rod secures BioSampler during sampling 225-9606  225-9606 BioSampler Case with Mounting Rod, includes foam insert. 
    Glass Trap for area sampling to protect pump 225-22  225-22 Glass Trap for area sampling to protect pump and can be used with or without trap sorbent 
    Trap Sorbent 200 g, silica gel/activated charcoal mix to remove vapours 225-22-02  225-22-02 Trap Sorbent 200 g, silica gel/activated charcoal mix to remove vapours 
    BioSampler Mounting Bracket for BioLite+/BioLite Pump 228-9611  228-9611 BioSampler Mounting Bracket for BioLite+/BioLite Pump 
    Tubing Kit for BioLite+ Pump Kit, for connecting BioSampler to BioLite+ Pump. Includes 1 m length of 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) ID blue silicone rubber tubing linked to 10 cm 3/8 inch (9.53 mm) ID silicone tubing P2289620 no image
    20 ml BioSampler Collection Vessel (bottom) and ground joint cap, for transporting samples


    5 ml BioSampler Collection Vessel (bottom) and ground joint cap, for transporting samples


    120 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling


    500 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling


    950 ml ViaTrap Collection Media, special mineral oil for bioaerosol sampling


    BioSampler Case with Mounting Rod, includes foam insert


    Glass Trap for area sampling to protect pump


    Trap Sorbent 200 g, silica gel/activated charcoal mix to remove vapours


    BioSampler Mounting Bracket for BioLite+/BioLite Pump


    Tubing Kit for BioLite+ Pump Kit, for connecting BioSampler to BioLite+ Pump


  • Documentation

    BioSampler Instructions   BioSampler Case with Mounting Rod Operating Instructions   BioLite+ and Biosampler Brochure



    BioSampler Case with
    Mounting Rod Instructions


    BioSampler & BioLite+

Read more …BioSampler