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Aluminium Respirable Dust Cyclone

The Aluminium Cyclone is small and lightweight, and eliminates adverse electrostatic effects, allowing the cyclone to sample particles more efficiently. It is used by inserting it into the middle ring of an open-face three-piece cassette loaded with an appropriate filter, which collects the respirable particles but larger particles fall into the grit pot to be discarded. Available in 25 mm and 37 mm versions the Aluminium Cyclone provides sharp size selection for the respirable fraction. It is specified in the NIOSH Method 7500 for silica and NIOSH 0600 for respirable particulates. It has a 50% cut-point of 4 µm at 2.5 L/min and 3.5 µm at 2.8 L/min.

Aluminium Cyclone 25mm 225-01-01
Aluminium Cyclone 37mm 225-01-02