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The HAZ-DUST SM-7204 is a personal, real-time aerosol monitor designed for environments with silica dust, providing immediate identification of problem areas and tasks. Implement controls to reduce exposures to hazardous particulates and then use it to measure the effectiveness of controls moving forward. There’s no further need for two co-located devices – one SM-7204 with built-in compensating pump and pre-weighed filter cassette simultaneously provides real-time particulate concentration readout and a filter sample for lab analysis. The SM-7204 alerts users of approaching thresholds for immediate corrective action. Designed carefully with you in mind, the SM-7204 provides the widest range, lowest detection limit, and best resolution of any personal dust monitor on the market.

HAZ-DUST SM-7204 Particulate Monitor
HAZ-DUST SM-7204 Particulate Monitor with Cyclone
  • Easy touch screen operation
  • Instantaneous, continuous display of TWA, STEL, Minimum, Maximum concentration in mg/m3
  • Sensor mounts directly in the breathing zone for a personal sample
  • Interchangeable sampling inlets for Inhalable, Thoracic and Respirable measurement
  • Can accept pre-weighed and preloaded 25 or 37 mm filter cassettes
  • Small and lightweight with integral belt clip
  • Operates for over 22 hours using rechargeable Li-Ion battery
  • Automatic data logging
  • Multiple language options
  • Easy to use DustComm Pro Software for data downloading, trend analysis and comprehensive reporting of concentration changes over time

The HAZ-DUST SM-7204 optical particulate sensor operates on the principle of near-forward light scattering of infrared radiation. As the airborne particles enter the infrared beam, they scatter the light. The amount of light received by the photodetector is directly proportional to the aerosol concentration. Unique signal processing internally compensates for noise and drift. It immediately and continuously measures the concentration of airborne dust particles and displays the result in mg/m3.

Accuracy    ±10% to filter gravimetric SAE fine test dust
Sensing Range    0.001 to 500 mg/m3 or 1 to 500,000 µg/m3
Display Resolution    1 µg/m3 (0.001 mg/m3)
Particle Size Range    0.1 to 10 µm Respirable
0.1 to 50 µm Thoracic
0.1 to 100 µm Inhalable (IOM)
Measurement Precision    ±0.02 mg/m3
Calibration    NIOSH Method 0600 gravimetric reference - NIST-traceable SAE fine test dust
Display     8.9 cm (3.5 in) colour with auto-dimming
Displayed Particle Concentration    Instantaneous, TWA, STEL, Minimum, Maximum
Sample Flow Rate    1 to 5 L/min (adjustable). Auto adjusts for sample head
Power    Rechargeable Li-Ion battery
Operating Time    ≥22 hours
Charging Time    3 hours, depending on battery state
Digital Output    Micro USB
Data Storage    43,200 data points
Temperature    Operating: 0 to +50°C (32 to 122°F)
Storage:   -20 to +70°C (-4 to 158°F)
Dimensions    Case:   8.9 x 5.7 x 12.1 cm (3.5 x 2.25 x 4.75 inches)
Sensor: 4.4 x 3.8 (1.75 x 1.5 inches)
Weight    508 g (1.12 lbs)
  • construction and demolition sites
  • slate mining and slate processing
  • potteries, ceramics, ceramic glaze manufacture, brick and tile manufacture
  • foundries
  • refractory production and cutting
Description Part Number
HAZ-DUST SM-7204 Monitor Kit, includes:

monitor, GS-3 cyclone and adaptor, 37 mm opaque open-faced filter cassette, flow adapter, zero accessory, battery charger, and DustComm Pro Software, in a hard carry case
(requires calibration with equipment sold separately, see accessories below)

HAZ-DUST SM-7204 Accessories
Description Part Number  
Calibration Standard, for verifying span and optical sensor performance 770-327  770-140 Calibration Standard, for verifying span and optical sensor performance 
Inhalable IOM Sampling Head 225-70A  IOM Multidust Sampler and Cassette in conductive plastic 
IOM Adaptor, for mounting IOM sampling head 770-4204  IOM Adaptor, for mounting IOM sampling head 
Thoracic Impactor inlet 770-4107  770-4107 Thoracic Impactor inlet 
Replacement Respirable inlet, GS-3 Cyclone 225-103  225-103 Respirable Impactor, GS-3 Cyclone, mounts on HAZ-DUST IV sensor 
Replacement Adaptor for Respirable inlet, required when using GS-3 Cyclone 770-313  770-313 Adaptor for Respirable Impactor, required when using GS-3 Cyclone 
Recommended chek-mate flowmeter, 500-5000 ml/min, for calibrating the Sampling Head

(Other Calibrators available , see Calibration)
375-0550  375-0550 chek-mate flowmeter, 500-5000 ml/min, for calibrating the Inhalable Sampling Head 
Calibration Chamber, for calibrating and setting pump airflow when using GS-3 and GS-1 Cyclones 225-112  225-112 Calibration Chamber, for calibrating and setting pump airflow when using GS-3 Cyclone 
Cleaning Kit, includes bulb, swabs and lens tissue (no air canister) 770-305B no image
DustComm Pro Software on USB Flash Drive 770-225  770-225 DustComm Pro Software on USB Flash Drive 
Black protective pouch 770-7208  Black carry pouch for HD-7204, DPM-7204 and SM-7204 
Replacement battery pack 770-7205  770-7205 Replacement battery pack for HD-7204 Particulate Monitor 
Respirable inlet, GS-3 Cyclone


Adaptor for Respirable inlet, required when using GS-3 Cyclone


Calibration Standard, for verifying span and optical sensor performance


Inhalable IOM Sampling Head


IOM Adaptor, for mounting IOM sampling head


Thoracic Impactor inlet


chek-mate flowmeter, 500-5000 ml/min, for calibrating the Sampling Head


Calibration Chamber, for calibrating and setting pump airflow when using GS-3 Cyclone


Cleaning Kit, includes bulb, swabs and lens tissue


DustComm Pro Software on USB Flash Drive


Black protective pouch


Replacement battery Pack


Haz Dust SM-7204 Instructions   Haz Dust SM-7204 Brochure


